Hi, I'm Tianchi YU, a first-year Ph.D. student specializing in System Security at the University of Padova under the guidance of amazing Prof. Mauro Conti. I am part of the Security and Privacy (SPRITZ) research group, and I also serve as an Industrial Ph.D. student, collaborating with Huawei's Trusted System Security Lab in Munich, supervised by senior expert and director Silviu Vlasceanu. My research interests are System/Hardware Security, Trustworthy Systems and Heterogenous Computing. I am highly receptive to engaging in Open Source Projects as well as any other compelling initiatives.
I obtained my first M.Sc. from École Polytechnique/IP-Paris in Cyber-Physical Systems, and my second M.Sc.(diplôme d’ingénieur) from Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace , direction of Math and Computer Science. My first professional research project was at Nomadic Labs in 2021 on Smart Contract of Tezos Blockchain, where I was fortunate to work with Dr. Yann Régis-Gianas and Dr.Ric Bonichon. Sooner, I focused more on Hardware Security and Machine Learning Security, then I finished my Master Thesis with Dr.Laurent Gomez at SAP Security Research Team and we eventually published a scientific paper with the content of my thesis.
Beyond coding,
- I like anime, music and sports.
- I speak Mandarin, English and French.
- I enjoy reading, thinking and travelling.